As part of the North Bethany Bike & Pedestrian Safety Study, DelDot is implementing three Rapid Rectangular Flashing Beacon crossing locations on South Route 1, beginning this month.
Below are the three flashing crossing locations:
- Fresh Pond North Trailhead/Ocean Ridge: funded in Fiscal Year 2024, target construction by summer 2024; timing may be impacted by supply chain shortages
- Fresh Pond South Trailhead/Heron Road: funded in Fiscal Year 2025, target construction by summer 2025
- Indian Harbor Villas: funded in Fiscal Year 2025, target construction by summer 2025
"Beginning this month, DelDOT will advance the next phase of the North Bethany Bike and Pedestrian Safety Study, referred to as North Bethany Bike and Pedestrian Concept Development. This effort will include a detailed review of existing conditions to support the development of up to three alternatives for separate, low-stress bicycle and pedestrian facilities along SR 1 between the Bethany Beach northern town limits and the Indian River Inlet Bridge. Safe crossings over SR 1 will also be considered as part of the design process. In order to accommodate a shared use path, potential improvements will likely require major roadway reconstruction which would have significant costs and impacts. We anticipate that concept alternatives for the corridor will be presented to the public at a workshop in late 2023. As part of this effort, DelDOT will also launch a project webpage on the DelDOT Interact Portal which will include the project schedule, public meeting materials and presentations, and the opportunity to provide feedback.
DelDOT will reach out to the community again via area elected officials and the Coalition for a Safer North Bethany to provide updates on the timing of the RRFB construction."
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