Kristin McKenna of Forbes explains what to take into consideration when deciding when to buy your retirement home.
When should you buy your retirement home? There are many factors to consider when making that decision. You may have good reason to purchase your retirement home before you officially retire. Finding the “perfect” home or justifying the purchase of a vacation home could be two reasons. Purchasing your retirement home early and vacationing there can be a great way to explore and get to know your new city or town before becoming a permanent resident. Depending on your situation, you might consider renting out your second home to gain supplemental income.
While this may work for some, it is important to consider that your needs and even taste may change down the road once you retire. It can be very helpful in your decision-making process to seek guidance from a financial advisor or real estate professional.
Our group has extensive experience working with clients who are new to the idea of a retirement home or maybe just beginning their search at the Delaware Beaches. We would love to show you around our beach towns and discuss your personal situation. Give us a call at 302-541-5207 or e-mail us at
McKenna, Kristin. “Should You Buy Your Retirement Home Before You Retire?” Forbes, 22 January 2020,
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